Keep Calm And Analyse The Arguments

Reason in favour of Gay Marriage #2:

Same Sex Marriage should be legalised because

Argument in favour of Gay Marriage:

Allowing some couples to marry whilst preventing others from marrying is discriminatory and amounts to treating them as second-class citizens.

The Facts:

It is indeed correct that allowing some couples to marry whilst preventing others from marrying is discriminatory. But to conclude that such discrimination is unethical is to draw a false conclusion. Simply because discrimination can actually be a good thing.

According to the Macmillan Dictionary, to “discriminate” is “to recognise the difference between things”. Using this definition, the following are some attitudes and behaviours that Australians discriminate against on a regular basis:

— Racism

— Drunk Driving

— Corruption

— Sexual Abuse

This means we have a zero tolerance policy for such behaviour and the people who conduct themselves in such a manner. We actively discriminate against them. These are instances where discrimination is good and fair.

On the other hand, the Macmillan Dictionary also defines “discriminate” as “to treat someone unfairly because of their religion, race, or other personal features”. Now, if a gay or lesbian individual is treated unfairly (say, in the workplace) simply because of their sexual preference, that’s unfair. In such cases, discrimination is not good.

The Real Issues:

There are many same sex marriage advocates who use homophobia as a ruse to silence their opponents. They shut down legitimate discussion and debate with a simple cry of ‘bigot’. Hence there are many people who would actually want to speak out against same sex marriage but are fearful of being labelled as ‘homophobes’ and ‘bigots’ because, let’s face it, their jobs are often at stake. So the next time some accuses you of bigotry, call their bluff. The real reason they’re yelling “BIGoTS” is “Because I Got Nothing To Say”.


Just because someone is discriminated against doesn’t automatically imply that the discrimination is unfair. Because, as we have seen, discriminating against certain attitudes can be a good thing. So when it comes to discriminating against same sex couples in the context of marriage, is that fair? Yes, it’s completely fair. Because same sex marriage compromises the wellbeing of children by denying them the right to have both a Mum and a Dad. So it’s fair to discriminate against any activity that puts kids in danger. Because kids need protecting.

“There cannot be discrimination by reason of the sex of a person because in all cases the treatment of the person of the opposite sex is the same.”
—  Justice Jayne Jagot, Federal Court of Australia

In other words, marriage equality already exists. A gay man is as free as a straight man to marry a woman. A lesbian is as free as any other woman to marry a man. No discrimination here! (Article accessed on 16 August 2015)

Rainbow image source: Designed by Freepik
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